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1st Regiment, Virginia Defense Force

Col. (Va.) Robin N. Phillips commands the 1st Regiment with Lt. Col. (Va.) Philip Smith serving as the executive officer and Command Sgt. Maj. (Va.) Christopher C. Howlett serving as the regiment’s senior non-commissioned officer.

The VDF 1st Regiment consists of the 11th Signal Battalion, 21st Liaison Battalion and 31st Cyber Battalion.

Maj. (Va.) Joseph Wallace commands the 11th Signal Battalion, and Capt. Jason Haugh serves as the executive officer. The command sergeant major position is currently vacant.
Lt. Col. (Va.) James Newman commands the 21st Liaison Battalion, and Maj. (Va.) Roger Wilson serves as the executive officer. The command sergeant major position is currently vacant.
Lt. Col. (Va.) John Congson commands the 31 Cyber Battalion, and Maj. (Va.) Alexander Thymmons serves as the executive officer. The command sergeant major position is currently vacant.