VDF Commander’s Summer 2024 Update: Focus on Alignment and Agility

The Virginia Defense Force in its constant pursuit of excellence is going through a transformational change to ensure its ability to be relevant and responsive to the current and future needs of our great Commonwealth and the Virginia National Guard. The focus I want to share with every member of the VDF is to remember alignment and agility.

Alignment, or being aligned, are the guardrails to ensure everything we do complements and adds value to our mission. Section 44-54.4 of the Code of Virginia codifies our existence, and it gives broad guidance to allow for ample flexibility to ensure our training, resources, and energy align to the vision, mission, goals and objectives of those we serve. 

Clear commander’s guidance and measuring our performance is essential to success. Leaders in the VDF should ensure everything you and your unit does aligns to our mission. As we move forward, you will notice a new structure taking place. Replacing our Support Operations Group is a more robust Headquarters Company led by a headquarters commandant. Our force structure is being modified to align to the VNG to ensure ease in relating similar tasks to similar roles. We are consolidating various staff positions to create efficiency and promote accuracy as well as developing position descriptions for each billet.  

Our goal is to ensure each member of the VDF knows who they work for, what is expected, and the skills and requirements expected of their position and assign every member to a billet that directly aligns to their desires, skills and abilities.

Agility is the second area of focus, and it is the ability to adapt quickly and effectively to a changing environment, changing needs, and then do so effectively. There are many drivers that impact agility and the VDF is committed to fully developing the culture to foster this tenet. I’ll provide several examples that help explain how to foster agility in our force.

The first element that contributes to agility is wellness. Each of us has a finite capacity to handle hardship and stress. When our health suffers or there are problems at home, that capacity is diminished. We must strive to develop our capacity and remove those areas of friction that reduce our ability to be agile. Staying in good physical shape, eating right and getting enough rest are key elements to fostering agility. I charge every member of the VDF to focus on developing their capacity, seeking to get in better shape and taking care of yourself and your families.

Maintaining and exercising your professional skills is a second element helping the pursuit of agility. If you are serving in the medical field, maintaining your credentials is essential. If you are a radio operator, ensuring you practice how to set up field expedient antennas and maintaining your equipment is required. One area all of us must continue to exercise is our ability to lead. Each of us should possess a voracious appetite to study history, learn from others, and develop our skills as a leader so we can better serve others and accomplish our mission.

As we embrace our new structure and focus on our ability to transform into a more agile force aligned to the vision and mission of the Commonwealth and the VNG, I ask you to never forget the following:

Wear Your Uniform Proudly: Be the epitome of military virtue in your heart, mind and being. Be professional in everything you do. Ensure your motives to serve are pure, study to be a professional in your trade and establish the highest standards of fitness so when called upon to serve, you are ready.

Lead with Integrity: Integrity is at the heart of everything we do, the foundation of trust and requires courage to achieve its result. It is only as good as the deep commitment and conviction you have to your beliefs and values. We must possess and adhere to a moral compass that serves others before self.

Lead by Example: Your actions speak louder than words and how you live is the embodiment of your values.

Empower Others: A true leader will empower their team to reach their full potential, and you should support them and give them what they need to excel. In helping them grow, you will develop a strong and resilient team capable of accomplishing more than they ever thought possible.

Show Empathy: Each member of our team is unique with different strengths and weaknesses. Embrace those differences and help each other as we also find ways to care for each other’s families and ensure they are part of this journey.

Take and Seek Responsibility: Effective leadership is rooted in responsibility and will contribute to building trust and helping each grow and achieve their potential. It is when we are accountable that we can ensure our standards will never be compromised.

To every member of the VDF and your families, I remain Semper Fidelis!

Brig. Gen. (Va) Rich Diddams
Commander, Virginia Defense Force