Virginia Defense Force – G3
G3 Staff and Functions
The Assistant Chief of Staff, Operations and Training, also known as the “G3,” serves the Virginia Defense Force commander, under the VDF Chief of Staff, as the principal coordinator for all O&T actions. As further outlined in the attached G3 duties descriptions document, G3 staff primary duties are:
1. The VDF G3 – or the Deputy G3 in his absence — will be the principal coordinator for all O&T actions.
2. The VDF Operations Officer will coordinate all routine and emergency operational requirements and support. The OPSO monitors any VDF training programs delivered to VANG units.
3. The VDF Training Officer-in-Charge will promulgate and oversee completion of all Higher Headquarters-mandated training requirements, Soldier Mission Training, and other internal training requirements as the CG directs. The TRNG OIC will further coordinate Professional Military Education and Officer Candidate School matters with the respective PME and OCS Cadres.
4. The VDF G3 Operations Chief will be the operational and administrative manager for all G3 functions, and will manage official G3 files, coordinating with the VDF Information Technology Specialist as needed.
The DMA requires VDF personnel to be trained and deployable during exercises or emergent situations to support civil organizations, as representatives of the Joint Staff Headquarters’ Joint Operations Center, and when deployed with VANG units across the Commonwealth. Due to resource constraints and operational tempo, TAG has established a continuing requirement for the VDF to augment VANG capabilities within the range of civil support capabilities, specifically described in the JFHQ “NGCS Playbook.”
VDF is organized in a Regimental system. VDF training concentrates on Soldier Mission Trainings, aligned to the TAG’s NGCS priorities for VDF: (1) Communications; (2) Civil Security and Support; and (3) Emergency Support Services. Accordingly, the VDF has established the COM, CSS and ESS SMTs to answer the TAG’s mission needs.
The VDF Regulation 350-1 prescribes the policies, procedures, and curriculum for initial appointment, training, and career management. (Download links copied below)
VDF Regulation 350-1 ~ Virginia Defense Force Training Program
VDF Regulation 350-1 and Appendix A References (Download)
Appendix B. New Soldier Training POI and LPs (Download Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5)
Appendix C. VDF General Classes POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix D. CSS POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix E. COMM POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix F. Officer Training POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix G. NCO Course: Basic Leadership Course POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix H. NCO Course: Advanced Leadership Course POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix I. NCO Course: Senior Leadership Course POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix J. Company Commander/1SG’s Course POI and LPs (Download)
Appendix K. IDC Training POI (Download)
Appendix L. VDF Master Course List (Download)
VDF Operations and Training SOP
VDF Operations and Training SOP (Download)
- Enclosure (1) Training Schedule (Download)
- Enclosure (2) MORR (Download)
- Enclosure (2a) MORR Readiness Tracker (Download)
- Enclosure (3) Leader’s Checklist (Download)
- Enclosure (4) Sample AAR Slide (Download)
- Enclosure (4A) Sample AAR Memo Thru (Download)
- Enclosure (5) Sample Decision Paper (Download)
- Enclosure (6) Sample YTP (Download)
- Enclosure (7) Sample Support Request (non-CSE) (Download)
- Enclosure (7A) Sample CSE Support Request (DD Form 2536) (Download)
- Enclosure (8) Operations Sync Matrix (Download)
- Enclosure (9) Operations Risk Assessment Form (Download)
- Enclosure (10) Operations Planning Guidance/Formats (Download)
- Enclosure (11) CCIR Matrix/SIR Format (Download)
- Enclosure (12) DMA Accident Report & Investigation Form (Download)
- Enclosure (13) 72-Hour Load Pack List (Download)
- Enclosure (14) Disaster Preparedness and Family Support (Download)
- Enclosure (14A) VDEM Family Emergency Kit List (Download)
Virginia Defense Force Noncommissioned Officer Eduction
Virginia Defense Force E-4 through E-9 Advancement (Download)
Senior Leader Course Checklist
1. Take the FEMA Courses.
- IS 2900: National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Overview – Click HERE to take the course
2. Send FEMA Transcripts to 1SG. Company verifies that S1, G1 and G3 have it for ACTDET
3. Self-Attestation regarding FEMA Course work. (Step 1) – Click HERE to take the test.
4. Senior NCO Leadership in the VDF Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
5. Senior NCO Leadership in the VDF Test. (Step 2) – Click HERE to take the test.
6. Senior NCO Operations and Training Standard Operating Procedures Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
7. Senior NCO Operations and Training Standard Operating Procedures Test (Step 3) – Click HERE to take the test.
8. SLC Task Go / No Go. (Step 4) – Click HERE to take the test.
9. G3 verifies above and issues SLC Course Completion.
Advanced Leader Course Checklist
1. Take the FEMA Courses.
- IS 240: Leadership and Influence – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 242: Effective Communication – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 244: Developing and Managing Volunteers – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 1300: Introduction to Continuity of Operations – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions – Click HERE to take the course
2. Send FEMA Transcripts to 1SG. Company verifies that S1, G1 and G3 have it for ACTDET
3. Self-Attestation regarding FEMA Course work. (Step 1) – Click HERE to take the test
4. Take the Duties, Responsibilities, Authority and Framework of NCO Leadership Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
5. Take the Duties, Responsibilities, Authority and Framework of NCO Leadership Test (Step 2) – Click HERE to take the test
6. Administration, Personnel Procedures, Communication and Forms Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
7. Administration, Personnel Procedures, Communication and Forms Test (Step 3) – Click HERE to take the test
8. Drill and Ceremony Go / No-Go. (Step 4) – Click HERE to take the test.
9. Administration, Personnel Procedures, Communication and Forms Go / No-Go. Step 5 – Click HERE to take the test.
10. G3 verifies above and issues ALC Course Completion.
Basic Leader Course
1. Take the FEMA Courses.
- IS 120: An Introduction to Exercises – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 230: Fundamentals of Emergency Management – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 235: Emergency Planning – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 241: Decision Making and Problem Solving – Click HERE to take the course
- IS 317: Introduction to Community Emergency Response Team – Click HERE to take the course
2. Send FEMA Transcripts to 1SG. Company verifies that S1, G1 and G3 have it for ACTDET
3. Self-Attestation regarding FEMA Course work – Click HERE to take the test
4. Take the Drill and Ceremony course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
5. Take the Drill and Ceremony test. – Click HERE to take the test
6. Take the Leadership Principles and Traits Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
7. Take Leadership Principles and Traits test – Click HERE to take the test
8. Take the NCO Basics Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
9. Take the NCO Basics test – Click HERE to take the test
10. Take Recruiter Course – Click HERE to download the course reference material.
11. Take the Recruiter Test.- – Click HERE to take the test
12. Drill and Ceremony Go / No-Go – Click HERE to take the test
13. NCO Basics Go / No-Go – Click HERE to take the test
14. G3 verifies above and issues BLC Course Completion.