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Virginia Defense Force – Training

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Basic Training 2021

Professional Military Education (PME)

VDF General Education Courses

Initial Entry Training (IET) 2021

Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Development Course (NCOLD)

FEMA (Independent Course Study)

Civil Security & Support


Instructor Development Course (IDC)

Joint Knowledge On-line

MEMS Academy Introduction

MEMS (State Guard Association)

Staff Operations and Planning Course

 Basic Training 2021

The Orientation and IIA courses are required to be completed within in the first six months of enlistment and completion of these courses is required prior to graduation from IET.

VDF Orientation Course Orientation Course January 2020 Test Info
VDF Level IIA Course Level II Orientation January 2020 Test Info

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VDF General Education Courses

VDF 100: Active Shooter Training VDF 100 Course Material
VDF 101: VDMA/VDF Military Structure, Basic Operations & Emergency Response VDF 101 Course Material
VDF 102: Soldier Values (Including Ethics/SHARP/EO VDF 102 Course Material
VDF 103: Military Customs and Courtesies VDF 103 Course Material
VDF 104: Uniform Wear and Inspection VDF 104 Course Material
VDF 105: Drill and Ceremonies (including Formations) VDF 105 Course Material
VDF 106: First Aid VDF 106 Course Material
VDF 200: History VDF 200 Course Material
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Initial Entry Training (IET) 2021

IET 2021 is now to be a wholly residential course at Fort Pickett that covers two MUTA weekends. There will be two separate IET Schools presented during the year. The below material may be used for personal pre-school preparation and reference as you may desire.

Basic Communications Handout Power Point
Basic Guard Duty Handout Power Point
Chain of Command and Insignia of Rank Handout: Chain of Command and Insignia Presentation: Chain of Command and Insignia
Courtesies to the Flag Handout Power Point
Drill and Ceremonies Handout Power Point
History of the VDF Handout Power Point
Military Customs and Courtesies (MCC) Handout Power Point
VDF Mission Handout Power Point
VDF Standards Handout Power Point
Wear and Appearance of the Uniform Handout: Wear and Appearance of the VDF Uniform Power Point
NOTE: Power Points are stored as PDFs.
If using Acrobat Reader, (CTRL+L) will produce a full screen effect.

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Noncommissioned Officer Leadership Development Course (NCOLD)

VDF Non-Commissioned Officers Leadership Development (NCOLD) Course Test Info

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FEMA (Independent Course Study)

Below are the 4 FEMA IS courses. 100 and 700 are necessary to become state-active duty ready. You are encouraged to continue your training with these courses after you have completed the VDF Orientation and Level IIA located under ‘Basic Training‘.
Introduction to Incident Command System: FEMA IS-100 …Required for (PV1 through SPC)
ICS for Single Resources and Single Action Incidents: FEMA IS-200 …Required for (CPL & above)
NIMS: An Introduction: FEMA IS-700 …Required for (PV1 through SPC)
National Incident Framework: An Introduction: FEMA IS-800 …Required for (CPL & above)
FEMA Professional Development Series: FEMA PDS
REQUIRED for promotion to: MAJ / CW2 / SFC
Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams: FEMA IS-317
Not required but, recommended.
ICS 300, ICS 400. See VDFR 624-1
Additional FEMA Courses: Additional
Not required.

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Civil Security & Support

Training and Evaluations required.

The successful completion of the Traffic course and exam, along with the practical training at Force MUTAs, is required for completion of Traffic Control Training certification. Completion of this below course is preferred prior to the practical field training.


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COM 100: Basic Communications

COM 101: Basic Radio Communications

COM 102: Incident Management Assistance Resource (IMAR) Mission, Administrative Procedures and Operations

COM 103A: High Frequency Radio Resource (HFRR)/Antenna Mission, Administrative Procedures and Operations, Course A

COM 103B: High Frequency Radio Resource (HFRR)/Antenna Mission, Administrative Procedures and Operations, Course B

COM 103C: High Frequency Radio Resource (HFRR)/Antenna Mission, Administrative Procedures and Operations, Course B


MICOM-3F/3T/3R Manual

TAC-PAK Quick Start

TAC-PAK Basic Training Manual

Task & Evaluation Outlines

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Instructor Development Course (IDC)

Certification Process:

At a home station UTA or Force MUTA, The student will deliver classroom VDF instruction for a period of no less than twenty continuous minutes, as assigned by the REGT Cdr or REGT Cdr’s designee. The classroom delivery will follow the principles of instruction as set forward in the IDC course and will be evaluated by one authorized by the REGT Cdr.. A Memorandum from the REGT Commander, CSM or S3 denoting a successful evaluation and the evaluator’s name will be forwarded to the G3 section for the generation of an IDC completion certificate for the individual concerned and for the individual’s REGT and FORCE level personnel files.

Instructor Development Course (IDC) 2016 Course

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